

  • All value must be positive integer, include max, lim, amt

  • before 1701955800(sending timestamp), send to EQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM9c

  • after 1701955800(sending timestamp), send to any account except zero address

  • tick case insensitive

  • All txs sorted by lt / 128bits of tx hash


  • tick case insensitive

  • tick length < 30

  • tick not contain spaces

  • max must lower than 1000000000000000000000

  • lim must greater than 0


  • tick case insensitive

  • amt > 0

  • invalid if amt > lim

  • invalid if amt > max-minted

  • mint to sender wallet

  • before 1701955800(sending timestamp), sender can be any type of wallets, but only 4 messages are valid per transaction.

  • after 1701955800(sending timestamp), sender must be basic wallet


  • tick case insensitive

  • amt > 0

  • amt <= balance

  • to need zero padding. If address is raw, need to fill zeroes up to 64, so 0:1 = 0:(0x64) 1

Raw/Bounceable/Non-bounceable/url unsafe base64 encoding/mixed encoding in to are acceptable.

  • Zero padding: 0:85A8AAB5F8150ACA7A743C1DD77F9D2B060653FA829168D9C9BA7EECFB3517A = 0:085A8AAB5F8150ACA7A743C1DD77F9D2B060653FA829168D9C9BA7EECFB3517A

  • Raw: 0:435a72ae471edea98b6be4aafd1dd1461e706c5325ff8ec3c60bf44efcae0169

  • Bounceable: EQBDWnKuRx7eqYtr5Kr9HdFGHnBsUyX_jsPGC_RO_K4BaQqr

  • Non-bounceable: UQBDWnKuRx7eqYtr5Kr9HdFGHnBsUyX_jsPGC_RO_K4BaVdu

  • URL unsafe: UQBDWnKuRx7eqYtr5Kr9HdFGHnBsUyX_jsPGC/RO/K4BaVdu

  • Mixed: EQBDWnKuRx7eqYtr5Kr9HdFGHnBsUyX_jsPGC_RO/K4BaQqr

Last updated